Mooney Massage® Customer's Reviews
To whom it may concern,
I have been having sports massages regularly for the past 14 years. Over this period I have experienced many massuers and many techniques. Without question Bruce Mooney is simply the best. He knows where the trouble spots are likely to be, goes straight to them and gets out the 'knots' quickly and efficiently. In shorts, he gets results.
Richard Hargreaves
1984 P.B.B.I INT. MR. Australia
Dear Bruce,
My sincere thanks to you for all the hard work you put in on my shoulder. It continues to improve each day and I feel that it won't be too long before it is fully recovered.
My Injury occurred in October, 1994 and with 5 visits to a physiotherapist along with a cortisone injection by my doctor there was no improvement at all. They suggested I consider surgery. I shuddered at the thought of it and was at a loss as to what to do next. A friend I was staying with in Ringwood, prior to my firefighter workshop course, suggested I see you. At the end of the first session with you I was amazed with the dramatic improvement in my shoulder movement.
After I left you to attend the firefighter workshop I had to wear breathing apparatus (BA) on three separate occasions and, although it was a little awkward and painful, I was able to turn on the main valve with my right hand as per correct procedure. Before you worked on my shoulder I could not put my right hand behind my back let alone turn on the main valve of a BA set. On subsequent occasions when I've had to wear BA back here in Cairns there has been little or no difficulty.
I have regained my confidence, I feel secure again in my job and you have opened my eyes to a form of healing that i was totally unaware of in the past. You and your skills are responsible for this and, for this, I am extremely grateful.
I remain yours faithfully
My sincere thanks to you for all the hard work you put in on my shoulder. It continues to improve each day and I feel that it won't be too long before it is fully recovered.
My Injury occurred in October, 1994 and with 5 visits to a physiotherapist along with a cortisone injection by my doctor there was no improvement at all. They suggested I consider surgery. I shuddered at the thought of it and was at a loss as to what to do next. A friend I was staying with in Ringwood, prior to my firefighter workshop course, suggested I see you. At the end of the first session with you I was amazed with the dramatic improvement in my shoulder movement.
After I left you to attend the firefighter workshop I had to wear breathing apparatus (BA) on three separate occasions and, although it was a little awkward and painful, I was able to turn on the main valve with my right hand as per correct procedure. Before you worked on my shoulder I could not put my right hand behind my back let alone turn on the main valve of a BA set. On subsequent occasions when I've had to wear BA back here in Cairns there has been little or no difficulty.
I have regained my confidence, I feel secure again in my job and you have opened my eyes to a form of healing that i was totally unaware of in the past. You and your skills are responsible for this and, for this, I am extremely grateful.
I remain yours faithfully
Peter J. Marsh
Airport Firefighter
Thank you a lot for an amazing treatment. Now I feel alive again without pain which I have been living with since 1981! I will never forget you and I will meet you again.
Renee Igelski
To my dearest Bruce
...with special thanks.
Thank you so much for all the rubs almost 10 years maybe more and for all of your support. Thank you for wanting to share your knowledge with me.
You have a beautiful spirit and I promise you that i will make you proud.
When i am as good as you. I won't ever charge you when you come for a massage!!!
...with special thanks.
Thank you so much for all the rubs almost 10 years maybe more and for all of your support. Thank you for wanting to share your knowledge with me.
You have a beautiful spirit and I promise you that i will make you proud.
When i am as good as you. I won't ever charge you when you come for a massage!!!
Dear Burce,
There is no doubt that you are a multi talented person.
Thanks for the great massage, sence of humour, and all the advice you give me to point me in the right direction.
However, the main reason for my note is to give you a special thanks for your generosity. I was really very touched and a bit lost for words when you put the money for Nycolle's appointment back in my pocket.
Unexpected acts of kindness like that are never forgotten and very much appreciated. You made my day.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
There is no doubt that you are a multi talented person.
Thanks for the great massage, sence of humour, and all the advice you give me to point me in the right direction.
However, the main reason for my note is to give you a special thanks for your generosity. I was really very touched and a bit lost for words when you put the money for Nycolle's appointment back in my pocket.
Unexpected acts of kindness like that are never forgotten and very much appreciated. You made my day.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Gary Martin
I am a world champion axeman having won 65 world titles all around the world in multiple events and wood types. I also hold a number of world records, multiple NZ records and Overseas Records and Titles
I am the current STIHL TIMBERSPORT CHAMPION having won the prestigious STIHL TIMBERSPORTS SERIES in USA in July 2007. I have completed in this event for 9 years and have won it four times.
I am also current WORLD STIHL TIMBERSPORTS CHAMPION have on this title in Germany in October 2007.
I am currently 39 years old and have been competing for 32 years. During my career I suffered from a number of serious muscular injures.
I first met masseurs Bruce Mooney in about 1991. He is the only person who has been able to fix my injuries which have enabled me to continue to compete. To do this he has used his Deep Tissue Massage Techniques.
I have travelled and competed extensively around the world. In my travels I have never found anybody that is remotely close to Bruce's ability of deep tissue massage.
I strongly recommend his services to any person who is suffering from any sort of muscular pain.
I am the current STIHL TIMBERSPORT CHAMPION having won the prestigious STIHL TIMBERSPORTS SERIES in USA in July 2007. I have completed in this event for 9 years and have won it four times.
I am also current WORLD STIHL TIMBERSPORTS CHAMPION have on this title in Germany in October 2007.
I am currently 39 years old and have been competing for 32 years. During my career I suffered from a number of serious muscular injures.
I first met masseurs Bruce Mooney in about 1991. He is the only person who has been able to fix my injuries which have enabled me to continue to compete. To do this he has used his Deep Tissue Massage Techniques.
I have travelled and competed extensively around the world. In my travels I have never found anybody that is remotely close to Bruce's ability of deep tissue massage.
I strongly recommend his services to any person who is suffering from any sort of muscular pain.
David Bolstad
World Champion Axeman
Dear Sir,
Owing to your expert knowledge of muscles, nerves and body tissues. Please accept this ribbon in appreciation of your work.
I have no doubt what so ever that the work you did on me helped me to win the Victorian tree felling With Thanks,
Owing to your expert knowledge of muscles, nerves and body tissues. Please accept this ribbon in appreciation of your work.
I have no doubt what so ever that the work you did on me helped me to win the Victorian tree felling With Thanks,
Roger Wiltshire
Dear Bruce
Indeed you are a winner with a big heart. On behalf of myself, Kim, Bill and James Thank you for work, you are a champion, we are ever so grateful we were led to your expertise.
Indeed you are a winner with a big heart. On behalf of myself, Kim, Bill and James Thank you for work, you are a champion, we are ever so grateful we were led to your expertise.
Chrissy Forbes
Dear Bruce
I am writting to thank you and your "magic hands" for all the work you have done on my back and legs.
With your help i have managed to have a great '93/'94 track season and below are my result to date.
In november '93 I won the Olympic Dream Under 16 1500 metre title, and the Under 15 australlian All Schools Cross Country 3 kilometre title.
This year I won the Victorian Under 16 3000 metre title and went on to win both the Australian Under 16 1500 metre and 3000 metre titles.
All these titles were won after you had given me a "tune up" rub to get me on the track and the cross country circuit so that i had as "edge" over all my opposition runners.
Once again thank you very much, and i will continue to come to you for further assistance in the future.
Yours faithfully
I am writting to thank you and your "magic hands" for all the work you have done on my back and legs.
With your help i have managed to have a great '93/'94 track season and below are my result to date.
In november '93 I won the Olympic Dream Under 16 1500 metre title, and the Under 15 australlian All Schools Cross Country 3 kilometre title.
This year I won the Victorian Under 16 3000 metre title and went on to win both the Australian Under 16 1500 metre and 3000 metre titles.
All these titles were won after you had given me a "tune up" rub to get me on the track and the cross country circuit so that i had as "edge" over all my opposition runners.
Once again thank you very much, and i will continue to come to you for further assistance in the future.
Yours faithfully
Joanne Neumann
Dear Bruce
Just a little note to tell you how wonderful you are!
I could barely run and competing was mostly out of the question.
But after seeing you only once on Tuesday I was extremely cured and I manage to compete in the Victorian Championship and successfully win the 400m, High Jump and came 3rd in discuss and shotput.
I am extremely grateful to you for getting back on the track after months of set backs.
I have a long way to get back to real form but the light at the end of the tunnel has a clearer hope.
You have enriched so many peoples lives and will continue too.
I just wanted to let you know how much of a difference you make in everyone's lives that see you.
Your are blessed with a special gift.
Yours Faithfully
Just a little note to tell you how wonderful you are!
I could barely run and competing was mostly out of the question.
But after seeing you only once on Tuesday I was extremely cured and I manage to compete in the Victorian Championship and successfully win the 400m, High Jump and came 3rd in discuss and shotput.
I am extremely grateful to you for getting back on the track after months of set backs.
I have a long way to get back to real form but the light at the end of the tunnel has a clearer hope.
You have enriched so many peoples lives and will continue too.
I just wanted to let you know how much of a difference you make in everyone's lives that see you.
Your are blessed with a special gift.
Yours Faithfully
Dear Bruce
I am writing to you to indicate my gratitude and amazement for the way i feel since visiting you a couple of times recently. I know you are sought after and highly recommended by some of the most reputable and profile sports stars, but I really did not expect the results that i have experienced.
Before visiting you i held the impression and i believe it is a common impression among the population generally that a massage, whether it be a sports massage or otherwise, consists of a rub down in order to relax the muscles and or to provide a warm up prior to taking part in some sports or physically strenuous event. Alternatively it was to loosen or relax tense muscles after strenuous competition or heavy work.
I am sure that a massage can be accorded this benefits. However, I am astounded to discover that it actually provides a medical solution to problems with muscles. It is now obvious to me that the manipulation of my muscles by you during our sessions actually repairs damage done to them in the past. I could relate several cures that massage has afforded me but one that stands foremost relates to the back problem that i have now experienced for many years. The problem was originally caused when I lifted a large heavy object about twenty five years ago. The injury to my back left me totally unable to move for three weeks even thought many medical examinations and x-rays revealed nothing untoward. Since then I have put my back out several times while doing something simple and without any strain whatsoever, just getting out of a car or stepping on a train has unexpectedly placed me in the position i found myself following the original injury. On each of these occasions I have been totally incapacitated for periods that last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Many professional medical people have examined me physically and through the use of x-ray technology. None have been able to find my torn muscles or ligaments, any joints or other skeletal problems, or any other medical explanation.
You will remember my surprise and scepticism when, among the muscles you so quickly smoothed out, you discovered a hamstring which was damaged or out of place; I am not sure in which one of my legs. You explained to me that this would have been the cause of the problem each time i put my back out. I have to say that since that day, I have engaged in quite strenuous activity (partly because i now feel more supple and free to so engage) and at no stage has there been any problem with my back, or even a hint that it might become damaged again. In the past I could always feel that my back was not right and that if i wasn't careful it would go out. Now I do not have any such trepidation; the repair to the hamstring has giver me a new lease of life. Also, in the past, I had difficulty standing for long periods, which my job sometimes requires me to do when I am in court. Now I do not have that difficulty. It is obvious that the hamstring manipulation has been the problem all along.
Apart from this example, there are many muscles in my body, which with each visit, become more supple and free. I now realise this must be the way I felt thirty years ago. You have been able to greatly reduce the cumulative effect of many years of muscular damage.
It has therefore become clear that you massage techniques are not simply therapeutic; they are remedial and in fact provide a medical solution to muscular damage and muscular problems.
I thank you for what you have been able to do for me and am most grateful that you have undertaken to make this you life's work. Please continue to do so.
Yours Faithfully
I am writing to you to indicate my gratitude and amazement for the way i feel since visiting you a couple of times recently. I know you are sought after and highly recommended by some of the most reputable and profile sports stars, but I really did not expect the results that i have experienced.
Before visiting you i held the impression and i believe it is a common impression among the population generally that a massage, whether it be a sports massage or otherwise, consists of a rub down in order to relax the muscles and or to provide a warm up prior to taking part in some sports or physically strenuous event. Alternatively it was to loosen or relax tense muscles after strenuous competition or heavy work.
I am sure that a massage can be accorded this benefits. However, I am astounded to discover that it actually provides a medical solution to problems with muscles. It is now obvious to me that the manipulation of my muscles by you during our sessions actually repairs damage done to them in the past. I could relate several cures that massage has afforded me but one that stands foremost relates to the back problem that i have now experienced for many years. The problem was originally caused when I lifted a large heavy object about twenty five years ago. The injury to my back left me totally unable to move for three weeks even thought many medical examinations and x-rays revealed nothing untoward. Since then I have put my back out several times while doing something simple and without any strain whatsoever, just getting out of a car or stepping on a train has unexpectedly placed me in the position i found myself following the original injury. On each of these occasions I have been totally incapacitated for periods that last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Many professional medical people have examined me physically and through the use of x-ray technology. None have been able to find my torn muscles or ligaments, any joints or other skeletal problems, or any other medical explanation.
You will remember my surprise and scepticism when, among the muscles you so quickly smoothed out, you discovered a hamstring which was damaged or out of place; I am not sure in which one of my legs. You explained to me that this would have been the cause of the problem each time i put my back out. I have to say that since that day, I have engaged in quite strenuous activity (partly because i now feel more supple and free to so engage) and at no stage has there been any problem with my back, or even a hint that it might become damaged again. In the past I could always feel that my back was not right and that if i wasn't careful it would go out. Now I do not have any such trepidation; the repair to the hamstring has giver me a new lease of life. Also, in the past, I had difficulty standing for long periods, which my job sometimes requires me to do when I am in court. Now I do not have that difficulty. It is obvious that the hamstring manipulation has been the problem all along.
Apart from this example, there are many muscles in my body, which with each visit, become more supple and free. I now realise this must be the way I felt thirty years ago. You have been able to greatly reduce the cumulative effect of many years of muscular damage.
It has therefore become clear that you massage techniques are not simply therapeutic; they are remedial and in fact provide a medical solution to muscular damage and muscular problems.
I thank you for what you have been able to do for me and am most grateful that you have undertaken to make this you life's work. Please continue to do so.
Yours Faithfully
Owen Dixon Chambers
Clerk R, Melbourne